Growing well

Grow Well serves businesses, NGOs, and funders independently and in partnership with a growing roster of valued collaborators. Here we share thoughts and perspectives on opportunities, challenges, and solutions facing the sector.

Alison Grantham Alison Grantham

So you want to be mompreneur (or dadpreneuer)?: My thoughts on parenthood and professional life this Mother’s Day

Every few weeks, I receive a request via email or LinkedIn, or sometimes a referral that could broadly be classified as, “Help! How do you balance professional work and parenting work at the same time?” I typically use gender neutral language intentionally when discussing parenting, but truth be told, 100% of these requests have come from women.

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Alison Grantham Alison Grantham

Why growing a consulting business made sense for me

“How did you get to where you are today?”

I’m often asked this question, though the asker isn’t always ready for the long and winding road that brought me to opening my own firm. Sometimes, it’s a pleasant question that opens up a conversation. And sometimes, the asker is a young person who dreams of starting their own niche business, or a woman in science who is searching for a roadmap that might resemble the one she’s charting.

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Alison Grantham Alison Grantham

Farm and food workers’ labor and human rights are poorly protected and even more poorly enforced. Violations are on the rise. How can that change?

Just four states have heat rules that protect farm workers. Though the Department of Labor is working towards creating some, an effort to create some regs for farm and construction workers in Miami-Dade county made some noise and fizzled out because commissioners worried the rules could “potentially kill industry.”

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Alison Grantham Alison Grantham

Why so much soy?

If you, like me, enjoyed some tofu with rice noodles from time to time, I’ll go ahead and spoil things for you: You and all the tofu eaters out there were not the culprit. Neither were all the preschoolers eating their Dora the Explorer-branded edamame snack packs.

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Alison Grantham Alison Grantham

What Gets Regen Blogged Gets Manipulated (Part 2)

Alright folks, I know this feels like it’s lost all sense of meaning or structure, and just a reminder here, that we’re following the structure *line by line* of an essay that an industry leader described as “brilliant.” In case anyone is wondering how “climate smart ag” is going.

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Alison Grantham Alison Grantham

We Need Food Environment Innovation

In a world where the food system is facing multiple crises, from climate change to increases in diet-related diseases and mortality, innovation is an imperative. We need to innovate our food environment – how we choose and acquire food, where we eat, when we eat, who we eat with, how much time we take to eat – not just what we eat in order to achieve better health outcomes.

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